
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:23:08
英语改写句子our teacher always makes us listen to hercarefully in class 改为被动语态 英法美德资产阶级代议制确立的异同 麻烦制成表格拜托啦 爸爸真辛苦(辅导你写作文的)作文400字 为什么选D不行,怎么看定语从句和独立主格结构The story is about an old Indian farmer and an American tourist in India,__ understanding the other’s language.A.none of whom B.both of them C.neither of them D.neither of whom 第十题,老师说这不是非限定性定语从句,是独立主格结构, What letter is a vegetable 的脑筋急转弯答案是什么? what letter is a vegetable?这个脑经急转弯咋回答 英语翻译球英文翻译!这部电影永远是我心目中的经典,最爱的电影,没有"之一".又在重温它,一如既往暖暖的感动.日本电影,情书. 动物幼小时的名称兔() 牛()羊() 兔() 鸡( ) The letter is sent by computer ( ) ( )里写单词 The letter sent by the bank is.The letter sent by the bank is.这句中貌似是The letter which was sent by.的缩写,可是The letter sent...又不像被动形式如果The letter has been sent by bank is.貌似这句更加正确以上两句那句 I sent the letter to Charles by express ,but he is out of office .DHL express has arrived in OH.I sent the letter to Charles by express ,but heis out of office .DHL express has arrived in OH.Address information needed,Canyou help contact DHL about it ( ) 3 The post card is sent by ____.A.a friend of my father B.a friend of my father's C.my father friend D.my father friend's 说明为什么啊谢谢 岳飞真是被秦桧害死的吗? There were h________of people with the same problem.If the man didn't have time for exercise,heThere were h________of people with the same problem.If the man didn't have time for exercise,he would get f________.He walked a few f________ every day.It 英语翻译口、笔译 动物的住处名称有哪些?比如:鸟的住处——(巢),至少四个. 动物的住处名称动物住处的名称有:栏、窝、房、圈、洞、穴、巢、笼、棚、网、匾、窟等,请你选择合适的填入括号内,可千万别“张冠李戴”呀!(1)蛇的住处称( )(2)牛的住处称( ) 谁有一些动物住处的名称动物住处的特称有:巢、洞、厩、栏、圈、窝、笼、穴、架、箱、牢、网等.1蛇的住处称( ) 2牛的住处称( )3马的住处称( ) 4猪的住处称( )5鸟的住 "着火“”搁浅“”失控“汉译英 letter A的意思 sending a letter 是什么意思 a letter for me什么意思_________________ 秦始皇在三国后面吗? 汉武大帝,西楚霸王,三国演义,秦始皇,是哪一朝代的历史 英语翻译摘 要 风水是中国特有的传统风俗文化,蕴含了中国古人几千年来的在生活中所累积的实践经验及智慧的结晶.其中风水学说中的阴阳论对中国古代美术造型及建筑影响深远,阴阳和谐 摩尔庄园怎样才能获得能赠送好友的动物小幼仔? 摩尔庄园里哪些动物产品可以送好友?比如小母绵羊、火鸡蛋之类的 在摩尔庄园 里怎样把动物送回家就是 比如 带牛去挤牛奶 怎样送回家 大禹,秦始皇,孔子,曹操中请选一个进行评价 In the world no country has exactly the same folk music _____that of any other countries.A.with B.as C.toD.like No leaves are exactly the same in the world.(Neither/so) are humans.neither 和 so 应该是哪一个呢?原句中no never hardly 算否定词吗?