
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:52:25
无论怎样,我都不会再放开你的手!用英语怎么说 我想取个英文名,中文“李馨”,麻烦按照中文发音取,主要取与xin差不多的, 这篇雅思作文能拿多少分,作文题:As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work,job satisfaction is an improtant element of individual wellbing,What factors contribute to job satisfaction?How realistic is the expectation o it、the one、one之间的区别例题:My son wants a pet rabbit for long,but I have no time tu buy_____for himA.it B.that C.the one D.one正确答案是D,为什么不能选C呢?the one也是指同类但是不同一个的呀? How time flies!怎样翻译 He___in the exam,I__thing he ___his best. A failed;didn't;did B failed;didn't;do “在需要填写数字的输入框内,请使用半角数字” 怎么操作? I ___ Mary in the street yesterday ,we ___ each other since I left school.A.met;didn't see B.had met;hadn't seen C.met;haven't seen D.met;hadn't seen答案上说是C,我觉得应该是D啊?谁能给我讲一下?还有一题:They are sitting _ I ()Mary in the street yesterday,we ()each other since I left school.【答后给分】.A.met;didn’t see.B.had met;hadn’t seen.C.met;hadn’t seen.回答并附上原因. You mustn't chase each other in the street.=_ _ each other in the street. Yesterday Imet Sandy .We _ each other since _ middle school.A.have not seen ;finishedB.have not seen ;finishingC.had not seen ;finishedD.had not seen ;finishing we talk to each other in english in yesterday's lesson为啥要加in?in yesterday's lesson的那个in I met my teacher__I was walking in the street, but I didn't say hello to him.A.before B.after C.until D.while As was expected ,he passed the exam easily.的意思? 请问这首 Tell me why 是谁唱的?http://disk.kugou.com/downSongs/F2A3FE1FCAB6A5C9/9/mini.html You should understand the traffic rule by now Youve had it explained often enough翻译汉语 Does the hotel next to the park.改错 it与the one的区别it是特指,one是泛指,the one指特定意义的单数名词,那么it与the one有什么区别? it 与the one的区别is the book you mentioned before yes,( it/the one) is .这题应是it,但我分不清当其作代词时,两词之间的区别 比较it、one、the one的区别. 大学英语专业新生困扰的问题,希望过来人指点谢谢还想问下大学的口语应该怎么提高呀,和外国人说话就是基本的对话,总是不能聊到深层,还有总是对英语不能脱口而出,总是得想想,我想说的 我希望可以在外省上大学怎么用英语说在写英语作文,一定要准确啊~ 选择:1 To my ( ),I passed the exam easily.A .joy B.joyful C .joyless D .joyness2 Canada is mainly an ( ) country.A,English-speaking B,speak-English C,spoken-English D,English-spoken为什么? He bragged about that he had passed the exam easily.是不是about 要去掉 ——,the boy passed the exam easily .ASatisfying BSatisfied CSatisfyingly DSatisfactory 为什么选C Happiness is about having each tiny wish come true,or having someone's love when you need love. if we turn our attention to the other end of the age spectrum more effective ways might emerge..more effective ways might emerge.在这句话里是什么从句?前面省略了什么? 学英语只能靠语感,对语法一窍不通怎么办?以前看美剧看多了,自认为语感不错,很多单选题都能蒙对,不过却说不出所以然,只能说这样读起来顺口.现在拜初二,深知靠蒙是不能长久的,求学习语 (No/Some/Any) country like China is developing so fast.为什么这题选择的是'No'而不是'Some'啊,感觉也通的啊~~ These are old pictures.改为改为一般疑问句 That 与it,one 的区别 英语翻译It will stop things like your heart will be a dull pain帮忙翻译翻译机器翻译的都太死板,